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Being able to work from home has been such a blessing for our busy family. I have so much flexibility to be able to help out down at the greenhouse or on the farm at the drop of a hat. But the more my business grows and the older my kids get the more I have realized the importance of creating my own morning routines to help set me up for whatever the day brings me! In about the middle of January this year I found myself in a funk. I just felt stuck in life things just didn’t seem to be moving forward. The past three years for our family had been filled with so much uncertainty it was so strange for things to be so calm and even for so long. Even though things had finally calmed down nothing really felt consistent still. I decided I needed to come up with a morning routine that got me going for the day.
I realized that if I had a great start to my morning I had a better day. If I strung enough good days together I would have a good week, and so on. I decided on the areas of my life I wanted to work on each morning. Here is what I came up with
Now that I had the five areas I knew I wanted to work on I started brainstorming things I could do for each category.
For physical activity, I started with something familiar, yoga. I had started and fallen in love with yoga when I was in college. I found Yoga with Adrian on YouTube and picked a video the night before to set me up for the next morning.
For my faith this year I had already set the goal to read the bible in a year. I’m using a Bible app to track my progress and help hold me accountable. Most of my daily reading only takes me about 5-7 minutes.
My next category was stress. A few years ago I started using the Headspace App but I hadn’t used it for a while. I set up my subscription again, and have been doing a 15-minute meditation each day. It’s amazing how much those 15 minutes can help!
Earlier this year I read the book Body Love. In the book, Kelly talks about how important blood sugar is to your body, and how it’s the key to your energy, as well as losing weight. I had realized that during the day I would have all this energy but as soon as I got to 2 pm I crashed. I felt like I was hitting a wall and just couldn’t seem to recover. After reading Body Love I realized I was loading up on sugar in the morning and then my blood sugar was crashing at 2, leaving me craving ice cream and chocolate. I did some digging into my habits and realized one of the big things was my coffee creamer! I was pouring wayy too much in and there was sooo much sugar in it to begin with! So I have now backed off on the creamer and started drinking a smoothie based off of Kelly’s book.
This is the recipe for the smoothie I drink each morning.
1 cup of frozen spinach
1 tablespoon coconut oil – unrefined
2 tablespoons of chia seeds
1 tablespoon of coconut flakes unsweetened
1 scoop of protein powder
3-4 frozen strawberries (the key is to keep this amount low, so much sugar in fruit)
2 cups of almond milk
Finally, I wanted to do something to help me with my business. I actually have broken this into two parts. The first part is to look to the future and see what I’m working to. I use the Start Today Journal from Rachel Hollis. Basically, you write out 5 things you’re grateful for today. 10 dreams or goals you want to make happen. The key to these 10 items, however, is you write them as if they have already happened. Then you choose one goal you are going to make happen first.
The second part of working on my business looks different for me each day. Some days it means I’m jumping right into writing a blog post like today, other times it is listening to a podcast while I shower after working out. I have found the key for me is to make sure this is last on my list!
The next step is to plan for your morning. First I needed to write down when the kids needed to get up, and on the bus. Then I needed to decide what part of my routine needed to get done before they got up, and what could wait until after they were on the bus.
My daughter Sky gets up around 7 and gets on the bus between 7:35-7:50. During that time the only thing I want to do as part of my routine is to make my smoothie. That means before I wake her up I need to get my workout in, do my 15-minute meditation, and get my Bible reading done. The nice thing about doing a workout that is on a video you know ahead of time how long it is going to take.
6:00 am wake up get dressed and make coffee
6:15 am bible reading
6:20 am a 15-minute meditation
6:35 am start a workout I usually do a 20-30 minute work out
7-8 am – get Skyler up and dressed, make my smoothie, chat with sky about her day, get her on the bus.
Then from 8-9, I can get about an hour of work done before Grayson wakes up. ( I know I’m spoiled that he sleeps in this late!) I’m sure this routine is going to change again when school gets out but for now, it’s working really great.
Follow along on instagram at @chelsyweisz.
© chelsy weisz photography 2025 | design by tonic
Photographer &
North Dakota
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