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We are 8 weeks into the new year. By now the surge of energy and hype of the new year has worn off, and it’s possible you feel like you’re barely keeping your head above water. Friend, it is okay to feel the way you do, because here is the thing at some point during your entrepreneurial journey you might feel tired, you might feel overwhelmed and stretched too thin like you’re trying to find that light at the end of a tunnel. You know if something doesn’t fundamentally change in your business, you will have to go back to that windowless office with a boss you hate. Sometimes all it takes is a little guidance from someone a few steps ahead to get you on the right track, and that my friend is why I’m offering one on one coaching.
I have had such an overwhelming response from the announcement that I am taking on one-on-one coaching clients! My one-on-one clients have seen so much growth and I’m so proud of the work they have put in to lay the foundation and put systems in place to really create both the life and business they love.
These talented photographers have seen so much success and gained so much clarity, but it has truly been so rewarding for me as well. When Justin got sick and I had to put my business on autopilot, I was so happy that I had systems and workflows in place to do so. I was still able to continue to book brides from the hospital waiting rooms. And the income from my photography business filled a lot of the gaps that our insurance and long term disability weren’t covering.
I know if I didn’t have these systems in place I wouldn’t have a business today, I would have closed up shop for sure. I pray that no other family goes through what we did, between our miscarriage, heart surgeries, infection and sternum removal, it was a rough couple of years. Helping other photographers strengthen and lay a foundation that can weather any storm has become the driving force behind everything I do. I pray it’s not something catastrophic we are preparing you for. I hope it’s an influx of clients, or a new baby, either way, having a solid foundation is going to be the thing that determines if you are living the life you love with the business you love or if you are struggling to keep your head above water.
I’ve been getting a ton of emails in my inbox with questions about what my one-on-one coaching looks like so today on the podcast I’m answering all of your questions!
Okay, so the first question hands down, has been, what can we cover during our coaching call. Here is the deal guys, I’m not holding anything back. We can go over pricing, sources, workflows, website design, accounting, planning out styled sessions, social media, blogging, editing. I’m an open book.
Before your coaching call, you will fill out a survey, and book a free 30-minute strategy call. This helps you and me get a pulse on where your business is at, and where you want to take it. Then we can decide together what it is you want to work on, and how I can support you along the way.
No problem you can book a simple one-hour coaching session. This is a dip your toe in a type of coaching session that is designed to get your burning questions answered right away and let you walk away with action steps to take right away.
Then you’re in luck, I offer a full 6-hour day coaching session that is devoted completely to you. This is for the go-getters who are wanting to fast track their progress and success. It’s a lot of information! The full-day coaching session is customizable coaching for pros looking to level up their business and includes a full portfolio, website & social media review. This full-day can be done in person or online!
What if I need a little bit more accountability? Girl I get it, and I’m here for you with 4-month coaching!
We kick things off with a 2-hour coaching call, where we can assess where you are and what your goals are. Then over the next 11 weeks, we will have one one-hour call a week to check in see how things are going and make a plan for the next week. You will also have complete Marco Polo access to me for all 4 months! As an added bonus we will jump on a call at the end of month 5 and see how things are going! This package was designed specifically for photographers who are wanting to go all-in and be held accountable!
Yes! We can talk all about pricing. We will dig into your numbers and see what your costs are, how many clients you can really take on, and calculate what you need to be charging. I think a lot of photographers get pricing wrong. They check and see what so and so down the street is charging and either match that or try and beat it. That is a recipe for failure! You have no freaking idea why Suzie down the street is charging what she is charging, and if you don’t know your real cost of doing business, you could quite literally be the one paying to photograph a session.
I love lightroom and photoshop, and we can screen share through video where I can walk you through how to use lightroom, how to create your own presets, and how to tweak presets to make them work for every image! Then you can go through the editing process while I watch and I can help with anything that you get snagged on!
When I sat down to design these coaching packages I really wanted to offer packages that fit the different requests and needs I was seeing coming into my inbox. While the amount of time can vary based on what package you choose, and the topics we cover are completely up to you my goal is to give you the tools and point you on the path. I cannot guarantee your results, the only way you are going to get anything out of it is if you are committed to showing up doing the work and making the changes. I can help you get to your goals, but at the end of the day, the commitment to do the work starts and ends with you.
If you’re interested in coaching you can go to coachingwithchelsy.com for some more information and book your free 30 Min strategy call!
Friend, you are such a talented and creative photographer. You have this busy life full of so many good and beautiful people. You were gifted with this talent of seeing beauty everywhere, and the ability to capture that beauty to show the world. I’m just here to help guide you along your journey, help you to avoid any cliffs so that you can make it to the top of this entrepreneurial mountain so that more of the world can be blessed by your one of a kind talent.
That is it for today friend, thank you so much for tuning into this episode. I am so thankful for this amazing community that is coming together. I am so thankful for each and every one of you! I will see you next week!
Follow along on instagram at @chelsyweisz.
© chelsy weisz photography 2025 | design by tonic
Photographer &
North Dakota
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