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Today I’m continuing the roundup of the best of family photos from last year. Get ready to see some amazing fall family photos! I’m also excited to announce that my 2019 family session dates will be opening soon! If you are a past Chelsy Weisz client you will get access to the date openings first! Next dates will be opening to those on my VIP list! If you want to get your name on the list click here and we will get you signed up! The last two years these spots have completely sold out, so you definitely want to be on the list!
The sessions I am sharing today were taken in September! September is the month you want to choose if you love those vibrant fall colors! This year I will be opening a few more September dates than last year! As you can see the colors definitely change throughout the course of the month. Much lighter in the beginning, and a bit moodier as we near the end of the month with the Wolla family’s session. So now on to the sessions!
This is the third session I have had with the Myers family in the past couple of years! It has been fun to watch these kiddos grow up! I can’t believe just how grown up Lila has become in just the past year, and Leah’s little grin still gets me every time! This year we decided to go down to one of my absolute favorite new spots to photograph done by the river just south of Tioga. So much color and a wide variety of looks from this spot! We watched some deer nibble on berries when we first pulled up!
This was the first time photographing the Heier family and it was so much fun! Little Emree was just beginning to walk! and Maddox brought his favorite dinosaurs along with! The dinosaurs got to ride in my camera bag for a bit to stay safe! When we first started just outside of the Ray Golf Course, I was pretty worried the sun would stay hidden behind the clouds the entire time! But luckily when we moved over closer to the trees the sun came out and was so dreamy! Maddox had fun looking for agates in the road, and Emree was contemplating taste testing some rocks. I promise no rocks were actually tasted!
I’ve known Brittany and Pudda now for a few years, this was the first year we have been able to get busy schedules lined up for a full family session! This family had me cracking up laughing the entire time! About 3/4 of the way through the session Angus completely forgot how to smile. We tried to get him to just relax but he was way over thinking it for a bit! Miss Ally looks like she could be a model now, and goofy Alayna hammed it up as only she could! One of my favorite shots from their session was at the very end where we had a tickle fight and the pure enjoyment and excitement on Alayna’s face was just the best! Brittany even chose that photo to be the cover of their Christmas cards!
If you’re interested in snagging one of the highly sought after family sessions click the button below to get on the Family VIP List!
Follow along on instagram at @chelsyweisz.
© chelsy weisz photography 2025 | design by tonic
Photographer &
North Dakota
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